Day 21 - Clouds over Mumbles Head
Swansea Bay

Excellent clouds over Mumbles Head, seen across Swansea Bay
Another running out of time day. It started with showers followed by beautiful blue skies, but
by the time I was ready to go out it had become seriously cloudy, although they were good clouds. I started heading
north for a short hill walk, but the clouds were so thick and dreary looking in that direction that I turned tail
and headed back to the coast, ending up on Swansea promenade, taking shots over the bay.
The clouds were interesting in many directions and I took many shots purely of the clouds
themselves. Of all the shots I took I think this is the best, featuring Mumbles Head (yet again) but this time the
clouds are definitely the stars of the photograph.
Distance: 0.1km - Ascent: 0m - Effort Rating: 0.1 - Duration: 26 minutes