Day 13 - Bracelet Bay, Mumbles
Gower Peninsula

Mumbles Head from Bracelet Bay, with incoming tide
Another tedious, drab, boring, overcast day. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I'm
getting pretty fed up of this endless cloud. I'm trying to reserve some decent hill walks for some fine weather but
we're just not getting any in South Wales this month, yet...
I had things to do anyway, so I couldn't get out before half past four, so I opted for another
short walk, in fact I scraped the bottom of the barrel this time, barely more than half a kilometre. Still, as I've
said, this challenge has nothing to do with distance, merely going out every day, so I guess I could just take
photos from right next to the car and that would count. In fact, that's practically what I did today.
Although overcast weather suits waterfalls and woodland, I don't want to overdo those walks, so
I opted to head for the coast again, Bracelet Bay, next to Mumbles Head. I thought I might try some infrared and
rock pool photography. There was a bright spot in the sky indicating that the sun was trying to break though, so I
guessed there might be a remote chance of a sunset.
As I set off, it started to rain, so I immediately turned the car around and drove back home.
After picking up my waterproof jacket I set off again. The rain had stopped by the time I got there but the cloud
was a thick, miserable, dull grey by this time.
Getting out of the car I strolled down onto the rocks, found a rock pool and started shooting. A
bit too dark for infrared shots really. At ISO 50 they didn't focus well and at ISO 200 they were much grainier.
Even without the filter the shutter speeds were quite long, so I got the chance to blur the waves a bit. No way
could I make the sky look interesting though.
Just as I arrived back home I noticed a reddish glow low on the horizon. Damn!
Distance: 0.6km - Ascent: 10m - Effort Rating: 0.7 - Duration: 42 minutes